

Validate business ideas with AI while you browse!

Get Started

Our Chrome extension is open-source under GNU GPL v3 (of course!)

Blazingly Efficient

Quickly test/validate new ventures with an AI system that understands the space

Powerful Analytics

Get comprehensive insights and data viz to identify patterns within large volumes of information


Develop understanding of business methodology and processes with the help of AI-generated strategies


Identify promising investment opportunities and mitigate risks effectively, even in emerging sectors


Your data, activity, and ideas are secured by default. You get to choose exactly what you share with others.


Connect with others interested in the same topics as you, and share your work in a team environment

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Huge Announcement for Browser Support!

by Eric Zou

Support for all major web browsers!

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Your AI-Powered Business Partner

Learn why you will love AnyBiz!

February 21, 2024